Cesar Juarez Gomez - 11/29
This post includes 2 weeks of work. I created the designs for all the cards that the mastermind used in the game. This involved...
This post includes 2 weeks of work. I created the designs for all the cards that the mastermind used in the game. This involved...
Ho boy some shit popped up at the VERY END. Biggest thing, yesterday when building the game causes the VR player to be in an EMPTY VOID...
For the last week of development, I focused primarily on testing the game. I entered the VR game, and played through it to see if the...
During the past two weeks I was busy with finalizing the code for the shop interaction and helping with some of the UI creation related...
The past week or so have all about quality assurance and ensuring a smooth presentation of our game: Vapor Rage. Its all about the small...
22/11/2021 - 29/11/2021 Continuing off the animations, I clean them up even more and made them smoother and then add additional...
This week I just helped out with playtesting and bug testing. I also worked with Ernesto on recording what was on the shot list, and we...
From 11/15 - 11/29, it was almost exclusively bug fixing and implementing many small features that aren't noteworthy enough to have their...
Just some final tasks for me this very very last week before the actual final. I, along with Cesar, just looked through the GDD and made...
15/11/2021 - 21/11/2021 Once all level design is finished, I started to work on all the animation needed for the game such as Spawn in/...
Worked on the final area, made custom art pieces and appropriately placed them in the scene. Worked on bug fixes to get them functional....
During the last week of the game we would call Vapor Rage, my tasks relied mainly on UI stuff and hazard placements. Hazard placements...
It's out final day I believe, and to recap what I've been doing, it's mostly been note taking again. I also helped to push the...
For this past week, I spent it working on particles and sound. For the particle effects, I edited them and added scripts to the ones that...
For this week I have been tasked with testing the various assets we have found so far to see if they could be used with our project. To...
I don't have much in the ways of screenshots, but I was tasked in keeping the game design doc updated and concise. For two hours on...
This week was where a lot of us put our ideas from last week and build them up in the unity project. We had some meetings for level...
08/11/2021 - 14/11/2021 With level design joining together and finished up sketches for the different types of Hazards, my level design...
Worked on Mastermind UI and assigned jobs to team. Encounter UI, shows the mastermind the grid they can place enemies in and has a card...